Writing Retreat Day 3

I was a little distracted today but still managed to wrap up a story and edit another. At one point, to keep from checking my email every two minutes, I headed into the kitchen to start cooking and made some Deep, Dark Chocolate cookies. Gluten free, I’ll have you note.

We all trouped out to a matinee of Coraline, which was really enjoyable although there were aspects of the book that I seriously missed.

I’ve now stayed up waaaaay too late, finishing the final touches on Issue 10 of Shimmer. I’m going to print it out in the morning and barring any surprises, we’ll send it to the printer on Monday.

Meanwhile, I’ve got a story that I’d like to start tomorrow.

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3 thoughts on “Writing Retreat Day 3”

  1. Rebecca May requested that her 9th birthday party be Coraline based… I am taking her and a few friends to see the 3D movie, then home for cake, presents, etc…

    I bought tickets and picked up the glasses in advance. Tomorrow I will be decorating them with vintage pearl (and maybe just a few black) buttons as favors. We will go on Sunday- your birthday. Wish you could share in the cake!


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