Writing Excuses 10.22: Project-in-Depth—Of Noble Family

Want to hear me talk in depth about Of Noble Family? AND you can read an excerpt that we talk about on the podcast. We actually talk mostly about the worldbuilding so while there is a spoiler warning, there aren’t many actual plot spoilers.

If you haven’t read Mary’s latest novel, Of Noble Family, this episode contains many spoilers, and you’ll get a lot more out of the discussion if you read the book (or listen to the book) before listening.So… spoilers.Of Noble Family is set in Mary’s Glamourist Histories universe, an alternate history setting, on the island of Antigua. Our discussion focuses primarily upon the research that Mary did, and the way she tested and then applied that research to the story. This includes how the research touched on the magic system of  the Glamourist Histories, and how linguistic and cultural differences might affect the use of Glamour.

Listen to the full podcast here –> Writing Excuses 10.22: Project-in-Depth—Of Noble Family » Writing Excuses

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