Writing Boot Camp

I just got accepted into Orson Scott Card‘s Writer’s Boot Camp this summer. He is the author of one of my all-time favorite books, Ender’s Game and teaches this intensive workshop every summer. I’ve been wanting to attend for years and finally got up the nerve to apply. He only takes fifteen students. I’m one of them this year.


So I’ll be writing up a storm in Utah June 20-25th. Meanwhile, Rob and I planted some vegetables in the garden, did some weeding and generally had a nice day. I also applied for some parttime jobs to help fill in the gaps.

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1 thought on “Writing Boot Camp”

  1. Good for you, Mary. We will expect a brief summary of your OSC Bootcamp experience upon your return.

    And very glad you had a nice day. Why does it seem that the older we get, the more we enjoy gardening? I used to deplore it; now I do it willingly.

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