WorldCon Day 3

I’m just hitting the fast highlights because I’m beat.

I went to the Codex breakfast this morning. Fantastic to see familiar faces and to meet people that I’ve previously only know in two dimensions. Much fun. Then it was off to my workshop on how to give an effective reading. It had twenty-five or so people attending, which was a good size for this. It gave me a chance to do some audience participation.

From there to the SFWA board meeting, which bordered on fun. It’s nice to be working with a group of people towards a common goal and they are good people.

I had a massage tonight, which was a Very Good Thing. I hit the Tor party and the SFWA suite before giving up and deciding I was too tired and need to go to bed.

Which, really, I’m doing as soon as I finish typing this.

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16 thoughts on “WorldCon Day 3”

  1. BALLGOWN PIX NOW!!!! And when shall we see the acceptance speech on Youtube?!

    Okay, I’m gonna stop tearing up now. I need to collect myself and stuff. This has totally made my weekend.

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