World Fantasy, last day

World Fantasy is one of my favorite conventions because of the high density of people that I know and like. Yes, there’s business, but mostly it’s wonderful to sit around and talk shop, or not, with people who get it.

This one was a little different for me because SFWA had a presence here, so I was being all “official” as the Secretary. The only thing that it really changes is that I have one more hat to wear and, of course, that I had to take notes at the business meeting.

I keep getting back to the room and feeling incapable of forming coherent sentences to describe what I did during the day and who I saw. The “who I saw” list in particular seems overwhelming just because it seems like everyone is here. I will try to do a better summary when I’ve had a little bit of sleep.

At the moment I need to finish prepping for the puppetry workshops I’m teaching at a local elementary school tomorrow.

Then, in the evening, it’s off to Borderlands to participate in a group signing with folks from World Fantasy Convention. Do come by!

World Fantasy Convention Group Signing at Borderlands with over a dozen distinguished authors and editors including Paolo Bacigalupi, Ellen Datlow, Nina Kriki Hoffman, Cecelia Holland and Mary Robinette Kowal, Monday, November 2nd from 6:30 – 8:00 pm – Our second big group signing will include the authors listed above as well as Laird Barron, Marie Brennan, Lynn Ceasar, Nancy Etchemendy, Cody Goodfellow, Elaine Isaak, Nick Mamatas, Diana Paxson, Mark Teppo, Tony Richards, Michael Shea, John Skipp and probably more! We are blessed with an abundance of authorial talent, so don’t miss this chance to meet the whole gang at once.

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