WordPress 2.5 and LiveJournal Crossposter

I uploaded to the new WordPress 2.5 last night and was aggravated to discover that my beloved crossposter was incompatible with the new version. Fortunately, my googlefu is strong and I found a hacked version of the plugin that works around the incompatibility issue. For those of you who also crosspost from WordPress, you can pick up the new version of the LiveJournal Crossposter plugin, here.

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9 thoughts on “WordPress 2.5 and LiveJournal Crossposter”

  1. My lj cross-poster does not seem to update in my Friend’s Friends lists err, meaning that if you click on their “Friends” it won’t show. I’ve even tried updating time stamps and editing the entry, but for some reason it’s broke.

    Perhaps I should update to 2.5 and grab that little dandy of a hack…?

    1. So far, I’m liking the new version, but I’ve only done one post with it so far. On the other hand, as far as I can tell, only one of my plugins (and I have many) failed to work with it.

  2. yet another reason not to update just yet…

    I got my site sort of looking like I want and i fear new versions and their habits of making things go all breaky!

    You must IM me your other neat plugins when you get a chance.

  3. At the moment, the linked post (in fact, the whole blog) is not available; the direct link to the file as was posted there also returns a 404 Error. Slashdot / Digg effect?

      1. Thank you very much, but Brad’s blog is back up, after a (planned) host change.

        (By the way, I’ve been following your blog since your Sagan Diary reading, and find myself actively seeking out your stories, even though I’m usually biased toward long-form fiction. Thank you for your work.)

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