Wonderful article about Little Angel Theatre’s 50th anniversary The Guardian

When I was starting out in puppetry I interned at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, GA.  On the wall, was a poster of a puppet from the Little Angel Theatre. I was surrounded by puppets, historic puppets, but this was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen.

The Center also had this fantastic library of puppetry books.  In it, I discovered Rod, Shadow and Glove: Puppets from the Little Angel Theatre which had that puppet I’d fallen in love with.  It also talked about puppetry and puppet design in ways that resonated with my own forming ideas about what one could do with the figures.

Considering that I’ve never had the opportunity to see a single show, Little Angel Theatre had a surprising impact on my development as a puppet designer.

The theatre is turning 50 this year.  There’s a wonderful article in the Guardian about the company and its founders.

A long time ago, in a land far away, there was a little girl who made puppets. “I made them myself,” recalls Lyndie Wright. “I filled my mother’s oven with papier-mache.” One day, a touring puppet company came through Pretoria, in South Africa, where the little girl lived. She went to a show and was spellbound. “There is a picture in the archives somewhere, showing me in the audience,” she says.

Read the full article The family that pulls strings at The Guardian.

(Hat tip to Marc Gascoigne)

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