Withdrawing from VP race

I really hate to do this, but I’ve been talking with a lot of people. The demands on my time are getting more and more intense and with the new film I’m working on, plus some other things, it’s just going to get worse.  So, after a great deal of thought and consultation, I’ve decided that I’m going to withdraw from the race for SFWA VP.

In part the decision comes because I’ve realized that my vision for SFWA doesn’t match that of the membership. For instance, we’ve just rolled the website back to the earlier incarnation based on both demand and also to redefine our goals. Membership has been growing too rapidly and it is important to keep it confined to only real writers. The earlier website embodies tradition and also provides an important hurdle for new members. If they can’t figure out how to navigate it, we don’t want them.

We’re also going to return to sending all communications by traditional mail. SFWA is about writing, after all, and that means paper and ink. It indicates a seriousness and commitment when it is in tangible form instead of in ephemeral electrons.

So what’s next? According to the bylaws, the president is able to appoint a replacement for me and I’m happy to announce that long time member, Alan Smithee will take my place.

What will I be doing with my free time? I’m glad you asked. Here is a sneak peak of my next project.

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20 thoughts on “Withdrawing from VP race”

  1. Wow. . . You totally got me at first! I followed the link to the SFWA site and was so sad to see it go back to its former incarnation! I guess it’s good that I fell for something so early this morning . . . it’ll serve as a warning for the rest of the day.

    Good one!

  2. Mary, I was quite upset when I saw your tweet, but now that I see the details of your new project, I completely understand the seriousness of your decision.

    Alan Smithee is a hero of the film industry; he’s always been proud to put his name on the most challenging of projects. I wouldn’t have been surprised at all if he’d been credited on some of the films on which I’ve worked. I’m sure he’ll feel right at home in the SFWA.

    Best of luck in what I’m sure will be a special day…

    1. Dear Greg,

      Thank you for understanding how very serious and difficult this decision is. I’m so glad you are familiar with Alan’s work. He is always willing to step in when others have to bow out.

  3. So glad to see authors with a sense of humor. I offered up a little bit of April Fool’s day fun today on my blog. One person was so annoyed at having been taken, he offered up a detailed critique of why April Fool’s day gags are detrimental to a writer’s career.

    Was good for some thoughts on human nature, though.

  4. Aha, obviously the fake reports about the demise of Alan Smithee were greatly overrated. I expect fine, professional work anyone would be proud to call their own as the result.

  5. I read the title, and then I just went straight to hovering my mouse over each of the three links looking for the Rick Roll. Eh, last year’s was more awesome because it has the GBoF.

  6. So, I’ve been busy this last week and this is the first chance I’ve had to catch up and what do I get? A 72 hour delayed AFJ attack! I’m not really involved with movies and all so I didn’t know who Alan Smithee was. Good one kiddo. You may have just set a record for time delayed April Fools joke effectivity. I’m glad I could help…

    By the way, off topic, I fixed the oven roasted broccoli with olive oil recipe last weekend. It drew raves from the friends I made it for. When asked for the recipe, I made sure I credited you as the source.

    Have a nice Easter weekend everyone.

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