Wiscon mini-report

I’ve added WisCon to my must-do conventions. You can tell that I liked it because I came to bed too late to write a post every single night I was here. The panels were, on the whole, good. There were times when I wanted them to dig a little deeper, but the subject matter was interesting and not topics that one normally sees at cons.

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5 thoughts on “Wiscon mini-report”

  1. I was thinking that we hadn’t heard from you for days. Glad to hear it was a positive experience, and I look forward to reading more about it (when you have time to gather your thoughts)!

  2. Glad you had fun. Based on the schedule you posted about a week ago it’s not surprising you didn’t have time to post. It looked like you would be busy, a good kind of busy. Busy, yet having fun. Isn’t that the best? 🙂

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