Where to Find MRK at Eastercon: Reclamation 2022

Eastercons are fan-run British Science Fiction Convention events and have run most years since 1948. They begin on the Friday of the Easter weekend and finish on the Monday, with a variety of panels, talks, workshops, Kaffeeklatsches (small group chats with an author), book readings, quizzes, gaming, filking (sci-fi sing-alongs) and much, much more.

This year, I was invited to attend as a Guest of Honor! You can take a look at my schedule on the Reclamation website, or take a look below.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Opening Ceremony | 15:00 – Discovery – Duration: 60 mins
This is where it all officially begins! The committee will introduce our guests and welcome everyone to the weekend
Phil Dyson (moderator)Mary Robinette Kowal, Philip Reeve, Douglas Spencer, Tasha Suri, Nicholas Whyte

Creating Worlds Across The Hard SF-Fantasy Genre Divide | 19:30 – Bleriot – Duration: 60 mins
Kipling said, “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,” but those who know The Ballad of East and West know it is not that simple. Despite an SF-Fantasy genre divide, both readers and authors have proven it is possible to cross that desert. How can authors build convincing worlds of science, magic, or both, without breaking the illusion of reality?
Yvette Keller (moderator)Shona Kinsella, Mary Robinette Kowal, PS Livingstone, Adrian Tchaikovsky

Peeing in Space | 21:00 – Bleriot – Duration: 60 mins
Many things that are simple on Earth become decidedly difficult in space. Just how do you perform basic bodily functions in zero gee? What are the uncomfortable logistics of living in space? And what else have we found out about the effects of space on our bodies and on other beings? 
Jim Anderson (moderator)Tiffani Angus, Mary Robinette Kowal, James Shields

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Why the Regency? | 10:30 – Discovery – Duration: 60 mins
Why is the Regency period so popular as an influence for SFF writers? The panel will consider the joys of Austen, Heyer, and the fascinations of the Napoleonic wars, among other aspects of the period; and the works that have used the Regency as a kicking-off point.
Juliet E McKenna (moderator)Stephanie Burgis, Mary Robinette Kowal, Virginia, Liz Williams

GOH Interview: Mary Robinette Kowal | 15:00 – Discovery – Duration: 60 mins
Guest of Honour Mary Robinette Kowal is interviewed by Virginia Preston.
Virginia (moderator)Mary Robinette Kowal

BSFA Awards | 18:00 – Discovery – Duration: 60 mins
Presentation of the BSFA Awards, hosted by Mary Robinette Kowal. And the winner is …
Allen Stroud (moderator)Mary Robinette Kowal, Ian Whates

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Audiobooks for Everyone | 10:30 – Discovery – Duration: 60 mins
Despite the popularity of audiobooks, they are rarely discussed when we talk about writing and marketing. This panel looks at how audiobooks are prepared and used, and discusses other issues around creating and publishing them.
Yvette Keller (moderator)Emily Inkpen, Mary Robinette Kowal, Michael R. Miller

Kaffeeklatsch: Mary Robinette Kowal | 12:00 – Syndicate Room 13 – Duration: 60 mins
Come and chat with Mary Robinette Kowal, Guest of Honour – numbers are limited, sign up at the Information Desk!
Mary Robinette Kowal (moderator)

Regency Salon | 16:30 – Discovery – Duration: 120 mins
Regency Salon, hosted by GOH Mary Robinette Kowal, with tea and conversation. Costumes heartily encouraged (come and show them off!) but optional. Come and share your short party piece/favourite poem/something you’ve written! (Items should be 2 minutes maximum.)
Mary Robinette Kowal (moderator)

Monday, April 18, 2022

Closing Ceremony | 15:00 – Discovery – Duration: 60 mins
That’s all folks. The committee says goodbye, thanks everyone, and hands over to the next Eastercon.
Phil Dyson (moderator)Mary Robinette Kowal, Philip Reeve, Alison Scott, Tasha Suri, Nicholas Whyte

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