Where to Find Mary Robinette at the Nebula Conference

Mary Robinette will be attending the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Nebula Conference from May 16-19, in Los Angeles, California. The Calculating Stars is also a finalist for a Nebula award for Best Novel.

Here’s where you can find her there!

Thursday, May 16

It’s a Dog, Not a Robot: Service Dogs In Practice
G/H Salon

Service dogs can make a life-changing difference for people living with disabilities. The idea that most people have is of the seeing-eye dog, but service dogs can do so much more. Stability dogs. PTSD dogs. Seizure dogs. These working dogs are astounding. At the same time, they are dogs, not robots. You probably know that you shouldn’t touch them. Did you know that you also should not make eye contact or speak to them. Our panelists all have direct experience with service dogs and will discuss what living and working with a dog is like.


Friday, May 17

SFWA Business Meeting
Hidden Hills

Snacks and a business meeting! Come hear what we are working toward with SFWA at the moment.


Makeup for Writers
Beverly Hills – 2nd floor

You’re at a con, you’re exhausted and have to look like you’re in top form. Learn tricks for femme, ace, masc, and everyone on the gender spectrum to spackle over the fatigue. This isn’t about conforming to media stereotypes but about using a tool to look like the best version of you.

And if you’re a nominee wanting a little extra sparkle… this is a hands-on workshop.


Nebula Nominee Presentation
Grand Ballroom

Here is your chance to meet and congratulate this year’s Nebula Nominees before the mass autographing. As a way to celebrate the nominees’ work, we have partnered with SAG/AFTRA to have two professional audiobook narrators who will read excerpts from the nominated work.


Saturday, May 18

Failure State
G/H Salon

Failure State: From the Tacoma Narrows bridge to Challenger, failures are made of incremental steps. NASA talks about “lessons learned” as a way to examine failure states and then move forward. It acknowledges that when making strides, we also make missteps. Without learning from them, those same processes will continue to be tripping points. In this panel, we’ll talk about specific engineering failures and look at how the lessons learned from those can apply to other work.


Mass Autographing
Grand Ballroom

Come meet Mary Robinette, get things signed, and pick up some swag!


Nebula Reception/Banquet/Awards
Grand Ballroom

Mary Robinette is a finalist for the Nebula award for Best Novel for The Calculating Stars.


Sunday, May 19

Science Fiction is Set Dressing, Romance is Structure
A/B Salon

Science fiction and romance are two genres that seem well defined and yet contain a wide variety of story types. Certainly, they combine well together. Is that, in part, because science-fiction does not have an inherent structure? Romance requires wooing and a Happily Ever After but can exist in any milieu. Looking at the core elements of these two genres, can we learn more about modes of storytelling?



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