Welcome Baby Ellsworth!

My dear friends Chrissy and Spencer Ellsworth* have just delivered their first child. Spencer says she’s eight pounds, very pretty and somewhat purple. Mom and baby are happy and healthy, Spencer is a nervous wreck. Spencer had his laptop in the room while he and Chrissy were waiting through the thirteen hours of labor. Periodically his status comment on gtalk would change to indicate how many hours into the process they were.

I am so happy for all of them.

*Chrissy creates the wonderful Lucy cartoons for Shimmer and also has done several covers for us. Spencer and I went to Literary Boot Camp together.

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5 thoughts on “Welcome Baby Ellsworth!”

  1. Oh, YAY! Please tell them for me BIG congratulations 🙂 Meeting them (and you) was one of my Norwescon highlights.

    -Jennifer (aka Jenna aka canarynoir)

  2. Congratulations to them. Just remind them that for the next 30 years or so they will from time to time have to clinch their teeth and remind themselves “Children are a blessing” because they really are, eventually.

  3. Welcome to our world! Children, like flowers are a symbol that all creation still has a chance for redemption. God has not given up yet! Thank you Baby Girl Ellsworth. Hearty congratulations to the happy proud new parents.

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