We are moving to Chicago

Surprise! Well, actually wait– let me back up.

After two years of searching, Rob has finally gotten a job offer. You may now join us in melting with relief. It’s a really, really good opportunity but necessitates a move to Chicago.

We will likely move after the book launch for Glamour in Glass in April although the exact date is still up in the air. And what will my sweet man be doing? He’ll be a winemaker.

More exciting details to come…

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36 thoughts on “We are moving to Chicago”

  1. Congrats. So I can take him off my “pray that they find work” list. This will also make attending Chicon a bit easier.

  2. Congratulations to Rob on the new job! I hope the moving part of things is a little of a hassle as such things can be.

    And, as Peter commented, I guess this’ll make attending Worldcon next year a simple affair.

  3. Vivienne Courtoise

    There are some great chapters in Chicago.  Check out Chicago-North.  At the same time you’re moving they are having their Spring Fling.

  4. I was so excited to read this post, since Chi-town is where I live! …but I’ll be moving OUT of Chicago come this February/March. So much for my stalking plans. 

    Congratulations. Chicagoland is an amazing city, I know you’ll love it!

  5. That is wonderful news! Does that mean we can have a Vintacon in Chicago in the near future????
    Seriously, we will miss you here on the left coast, but the upside is employment!!!!!!

  6. Oh wow! Congratulations to Rob! Also good that you’re moving in the spring, rather than now. Moving right before winter would be less fun.

    Let me know if I can help with neighborhood advice. Unfortunately we won’t be living in the area, by then, but we’ll be back at times. 

  7. Awesome! I’m sorry you guys are moving farther away from me, but really glad he found a fun opportunity. I only see you at cons anyway. (And I still haven’t met him!)

  8. Congrats!  And considering Chicago is a major transportation hub, perhaps that will help with the #marygoround issues? (*knocking on wood so I don’t jinx it*)

    1. I agree.  Instead of talking about a long extended layover at O Hare, you’ll be home.  Get on the El and head to the house.
      We will miss you from PNW but heck, Chicago ain’t that far and I’ve been looking for other excuses to go to World Con anyway.  John Scalzi is going, you’ll be there now for sure, and I haven’t been to Chicago in 5 years.  Looks like my vacation plans are set.

      Congrats on Ron finding a position.  You do still have the clothing from Iceland don’t you?  I’m thinking that will come in handy…

  9. Catherine Shaffer

    Great news, Mary. I’m looking forward to having you in the midwest, and very happy to hear that your husband found a job he’s excited about. I’ve been thinking about him from time to time since you mentioned how hard he’s been looking.

  10. Looking forward to having you in the neighborhood.  If there is anything I can do to help facilitate the move, let me know.

  11. Really glad Rob found a pursuit to apply his passion and creativity. Good on him. It has to be a relief for you too, so congrats.

    Let me be the first to welcome you both to the Central Time Zone. Hanging out at 6 hours off of Greenwich has its plusses.

  12. Sharat Buddhavarapu

    Wine-making is good stuff. I hope he finds fulfillment in that occupation of his time. Also, congratulations! Hope you fall in love with Chicago. My one visit with family there formed a pretty positive impression of the city.

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