Ways I do not want to spend my day before a trip out of town to a writing conference

  • Dealing with a malfunctioning keyboard on my 2-month old laptop/primary computer
  • Being on hold with the store where I bought it.
  • Still on hold.
  • Being told that it will be 8 days before they can look at it and that they might not be able to fix it.
  • No, actually. They say I have to go to the manufacturer.
  • Being on hold with the manufacturer.
  • Being still on hold with the manufacturer.
  • Writing a blog post to vent, while still on hold.
  • Shopping for a netbook so I have something I can write on while travelling.
  • Responding to comments where people tell me that I can use a USB keyboard, without stopping to wonder how I was writing this or imagining using a full size laptop with a USB keyboard, on an airplane.
  • Being still on hold.

What I had planned on doing today.

  • Cleaning the apartment
  • Going to the coffee shop to write
  • Packing
  • Lunch with Rob
  • Editing
  • Writing letters
  • Finishing a dress

I am actually talking to tech support. Finally.

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3 thoughts on “Ways I do not want to spend my day before a trip out of town to a writing conference”

  1. Do what I do. Go to conferences in town. 

    Granted, I got lucky with my local conference. 😉 YMMV.

  2. If it helps at all, I spent the morning on the phone with Passport Canada and the IRS. My keyboard’s fine, though! Travel safely…

  3. I feel you — the screen went out on my six-month-old laptop last month, in the midst of deadline pressure, on a Friday before a three-day weekend. I ended up plugging it into my husband’s monitor for the duration until they came out and made the fix.

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