Want to give a signed copy of SHADES OF MILK AND HONEY for the holidays?

If you were thinking, hey! I’d like to give someone a signed hardcover first edition of Shades of Milk and Honey for the holidays, then you can, BUT my schedule has just shifted and I am leaving town on Saturday. If you are one of those lovely, lovely people, please note that I can only guarantee delivery for those books ordered before 1:00 pm Eastern on Friday, December 7th.

After that, I’m out of town until post-Christmas.

For those of you who haven’t read it, the elevator pitch is “Like Jane Austen, with magic.” It’s a very quiet fantasy, largely focused on a single family in 1814. The characters almost kiss so it works for younger readers or those of gentle persuasions.

What about Glamour in Glass?

I have five copies of it in the apartment and will handwrite in the missing first line. If you want that one, just use the Shades of Milk and Honey order page, but note that you want GiG instead.



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