Want to beta-read the Kvothe erotica fan fiction before I turn it in?

06-stretch-goal-book-maryrk__largeI just finished the 3200 word Kvothe erotica fan fiction that I promised Pat Rothfuss as part of the Worldbuilder’s Fundraiser. As per usual my usual writing routine, I would like to have some folks read it before I turn it in.

Unlike what I usually do, I’m only taking ten readers. Why? Because it’s for a fundraiser and they get dibs.

So, what am I looking for? I want a mix of people who have read both Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear, AND a couple of people who haven’t read either. It’s primarily written for fans of the series, but I’m curious to see if I can make it work for people who are coming in cold. I suspect not, but still.

I’m going to be asking primarily for things that confused you, bored you, or that you didn’t believe (and that includes continuity errors). Also things that you thought were cool, or just your stream of consciousness reaction. Don’t worry, I’ll have instructions with the story, but really it’s just your reader reactions.

Just drop a note in the comments below and I’ll email the first ten people who fit my needs. One warning… this is erotica and is explicit. The novels tend to fade to black. This doesn’t. I remember talking to a friend about it and they told me that a lot of these erotica novels take inspiration from porn videos from websites similar to watch my girlfriend.

EDITED: I’ve got the ten readers I need. Thank you!

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23 thoughts on “Want to beta-read the Kvothe erotica fan fiction before I turn it in?”

  1. I would love to participate. I’ve read both of the books 🙂
    I’m 20 and currently have time due to my vacations. My English is not that good since its not my mother tongue, but I think I can defend myself. Anyway, it’s still up to you 🙂

  2. I would be happy to beta-read. I have read both NotW and TWMF although it has been awhile since I’ve read either so the details are hazy at this point. I’m likely to spot major continuity errors, and can probably make a decent guess about where those unfamiliar with the work might get lost.

    Thanks for your consideration!

  3. I would be the person who hasn’t read any of your books but have no problem reading erotica.

    Oh, explicit erotica, you say?

    Pish. Tosh. Do lead on….I have the feeling I’d enjoy being a beta.

    FYI: I’ve been a beta before and I’ve written erotica, myself soooo….my poor virgin eyes won’t be offended. Probably delighted.

  4. Kvothe? Fanfic erotica? Count me IN! I’ve read them both and I do adore my smutty fanfic. I’d love to help!

  5. I haven’t read either and since you want some tabula rasa people, I qualify.

    Let me know what kind of feedback you’d like to receive.

    Kier Salmon

  6. I’m a big fan of both books, and of your work as an author and fake Rothfuss. Just re-read NotW and WMF last month. This sounds intriguing and possibly hilarious — especially the cosplay reading. I’d love to beta-read.

  7. Hi Mary….

    Just noticed the post… May be too late but… Big fan of Pat Rothfuss as a person and as a writer… I have read Wise Mans Fear and would love to read a bit of your fan fiction….based on Pats….
    Have a great New Years….

  8. I’d be coming in cold as well, but would like to read too. When do you need the feedback? I tend to be a bit slow if I don’t have deadlines…

  9. I have read both many many times. I also enjoy a good erotica. I was disappointing when the novels didn’t go into enough detail.

  10. Catherine Brennan

    I’ve read both books. It’s been a while, but I think I remember them fairly well. Doing this beta read sounds like fun!

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