Waffles, winery and wifi

When we got back from Philadelphia last night, I followed Rob to the winery mostly to prolong our day together. We realized that this little weekend jaunt is the first time we’ve been away together since we moved here.  (Not counting Christmas).

The nice thing about the winery is that they’ll usually let me park at an out of the way table and write.  The danger is that I’ve recently discovered that they have free wifi.  As the evening picked up, I freed the table and came home to see the cats, who clearly did not miss us at all.

This morning we slept in sinfully late.  At least, by the clock it was late, but since Rob doesn’t get home until one or two these days, noon doesn’t sound as bad as it might. He made waffles.   Life is pretty good, you know?

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1 thought on “Waffles, winery and wifi”

  1. It is pretty good 🙂 It’s spring break for elementary kids in Southern Ontario this week, and amazingly enough, we actually have springlike weather for the moment. Everyone’s relaxing in the mornings, and it’s biking time this afternoon. Life could be worse (although I haven’t noticed anyone making me waffles yet this week!)

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