Various car trouble.

Today was largely relaxing. I slept in, did laundry, then went with Dad to retrieve the car that had broken down Monday.  I took advantage of being out to visit Grandma, who is doing well.  The plan was that Dad would limp that car to the mechanic and retrieve the 240D (their backup car),  which had been in for some other problem.

While he did that, I planned to go downtown to pick up groceries for dinner tonight but realized that since I had the reliable car that it would make sense to swap with Dad. He and Mom were planning to head up the mountain to a pickin’ later that evening and the 240D wouldn’t handle the hill well.

So rather than going to the grocery store, Dad and I arranged to swap cars at Mom’s office. He showed up nearly half an hour after we expected him because the brakes had gone out on the 240D. He’s fine and didn’t hit anything.

For the record: That’s two different cars and two different problems in the space of three days.

Anyway, the long and short of it is that I wound up having dinner downtown on my own and then we all drove home together in the reliable car. AAA will take care of the 240D tomorrow.

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