Up all night

Ten pmAll three hours of it. We went to the hot river with a group from work. It’s about an hour drive from Reykjavik and then an hour hike up into the mountains, but so worth it when you get there. Rob had to work late, so we got there about two hours after everyone else. This first photo is what it looked like at ten o’clock.

On the way up, we passed some sheep. They were cute.

Sheep!Eleven p.m. Far, far away

I did mention that we were climbing up a mountain, right? Rob agreed to stand in to try to provide a sense of scale. It’s still hard to get a sense of it. By the way, these photos were taken at about eleven o’clock.

Jonathon in the hot riverWhen we arrived at the hot river everyone else was already soaking. How do I describe this…? It’s a river, and it’s well, hot. I mean, like a hot tub. But it’s a river and we were on a mountain and it was cold. Except for the river. Which was hot. So amazing, I can only say the same things over and over again.

Actually, that might have more to do with the fact that I haven’t gone to bed yet.

Still at it So, I’ll leave you with a shot of the midnight hour. It never got darker than this.

Now I’ll be smart and go to bed. It’s just hard, because it’s light out.

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