Twitters for 10-2-08

  • 17:17 I’m doing paper-mache rocks now. #
  • 19:55 Trying to decide if I should watch the VP debate at home or keep working & listen here. Either way, it’ll be streaming. At home I can drink. #
  • 20:33 I’ve decided to go home so I can listen to the debate with Rob. #
  • 22:03 God. She’s just incomprehensible. #
  • 22:07 “He knows what Evil is!” #
  • 22:08 You know what? I’m finding myself really liking Joe Biden. #
  • 22:12 Woot! Extra credit for watching the debate! #
  • 22:20 I will say that Palin’s soccer mom thing does count in her favor, in that she probably has a better idea of the worries of “normal” people. #
  • 22:23 Of course I still don’t want Palin anywhere near the White House. #
  • 22:29 Really. The sounds coming out of her mouth are meaningless gobbledygook. #
  • 22:30 “Without the filter of the mainstream media…” Right. Like having a reporter ask questions keeps the public from understanding her. #
  • 22:40 Ha! Joe Biden’s middle name is also Robinette. No wonder I liked him. #
  • 22:55 Ha!On Palin’s folksiness, one of the commentators said,”Only time will tell if she’s refreshingly Reagonesque or Gidget Goes To Washington.” #
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6 thoughts on “Twitters for 10-2-08”

  1. Wow, another Robinette. I had no idea! By the way, a google search of just Robinette yielded a reference to you BEFORE Biden…

  2. I was reading Halloween contest stories while I half-listened to the “debate.” Some of the stories were so gory that I was afraid the images might give me nightmares. I had nightmares alright, but they were images of Palin with that horrible nasal voice everywhere. Yuck.

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