Twitters for 10-8-08

  • 10:22 I am totally tired of having to dodge the moose head to reach my clothes. Seriously, the thing needs to get out of our apartment, now. #
  • 19:24 The thing about riding in a cab is the ride is so jerky, I get no writing done. #
  • 21:08 Starting to sculpt the fog witch’s head. #
  • 23:37 Heading for home. #
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7 thoughts on “Twitters for 10-8-08”

  1. You STILL have the moose head?? Wasn’t someone promising to pick that up months ago? Time to donate it to your favorite bar/ coffe shop… No WAIT!.. can you think up some Sarah Palin Moose hunting gag to stage with it? The moose has clearly waited around for this potential moment in the political spotlight…

  2. hmmmm what do you think the shipping to 66221 (Overland Park, Kansas) would be? And what would you need ta ship it?

  3. And alas your a bit to much of a commute for a pick-up.

    If anything leave it on a park bench someplace and see how long it takes to disapear.

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