Twitters for 10-5-08

  • 07:37 Back to papier-macheing. Mm… Goo on a Sunday morning. #
  • 08:59 My computer is scrolling to the bottom of the page and a restart does not help. #
  • 10:20 Finished with paper-mache for now. The ends of my fingers look like raisins. #
  • 12:33 Dang. Wasn’t it summer just last week? #
  • 12:57 Gah! The girl next to me at the coffee shop just said, “We went 80s dancing last night.” #
  • 13:13 And now the girl she is talking to said, “I need someone to tell me the cool places to go. I’m so ignorant.” Yes, honey. You are. #
  • 13:13 I have left the coffee shop and returned to the Puppet Kitchen. #
  • 13:46 I think I am finished macheing. For a couple of hours at any rate. #
  • 17:31 Any NYC folks want to suggest a good Indian restaurant near St. Mark’s? Preferably with a strong vegetarian showing. #
  • 22:37 Thanks all for the Indian restaurant recs. Mitali and Brick Lane Curry House both multiple recs. Opted for Mitali, due to our work clothes. #
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4 thoughts on “Twitters for 10-5-08”

  1. Wow, Mitali is still there??? It was the first one to come to mind, but after 12 years, I didn’t know if the building was still standing, let alone if the food was still decent. How was your meal?

  2. What the hell IS 80s dancing? Any particular style to it, or is it merely constituted by 80s hits? “70s dancing” conjures up a number of specific styles for me, but 80s? Nuttin’.

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