Twitters for 9-10-08

  • 05:53 A puppet in my bag triggered extra screening at the airport. #
  • 07:31 Passing through Cincinnati on my way to Portland. #
  • 13:51 In Portland and the weather is stunning. All the mountains were out. #
  • 14:07 On the MAX. You’d think, living in NYC that I wouldn’t miss this. So clean. So quiet. #
  • 16:25 Drivers stop for pedestrians here. Wacky. #
  • 22:16 At Ken Scholes and Jen West’s fabulous abode with Alethea Kontis. Relaxing and fun. #
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4 thoughts on “Twitters for 9-10-08”

      1. Ah! That reminds me, Marsha called and said that she has a couple of specimen jars for you. I thought she meant the kind that they always shove at me and say fill er up when I go in for a physical, but she said these are for body parts.

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