Today’s photo gallery of yesterday’s outing.

I mentioned that Jonathan and I did the Golden Circle tour yesterday. We started at Þingvellir.

I know that you’ve seen lots of landscape photos, but it still amazes me how much it can change with the seasons without trees as the indicator.

Of course, I guess snow on the mountain is dead giveaway that it’s colder.

Even so, the moss and lichen has a more subdued quality. Things seem more ethereal now, but that might just be because I’m looking at a hobbit hole.

We passed a turf house on the way to Geysir.

We also got to visit with a herd of horses. We pulled off the road to take some photos and they all wandered up to visit with us.

This particular horse fell in love with Jonathan and followed him like a dog.

When we got to Geysir it was still light enough for photos, which it wasn’t when I went there with Mom and Dad. I didn’t get a good photo of the geysir, but I did get a nice photo of this pool This photo is not color enhanced, it really glowed this unearthly blue. It looked like a UV light was under the water somewhere.

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