Today was a SFWA sort of day

I started out the morning doing SFWA stuff, largely relating to dues and the new membership software. I’m deeply pleased about all the people paying dues online with the new system this year.

The biggest thing today was the we finally, FINALLY, opened the beta version of the SFWA website to visitors.*  There are still things we’re working on but the amount of content that we have to shift to the new system is huge and you know, at a certain point, waiting any longer just seems silly. So we’ll be rolling out new things, but the bones of the site are in place and ::knock on wood:: are not imploding.

This is due to the very hard work of Jon Armstrong, Nancy Fulda, Chris Hansen, Jeremy Tolbert, Christie Yant, Brandie Tarvin, Nathan Lilly, Scott Danielson, Jamie Todd Rubin and all the other volunteers who have been patiently going through the early stage testing.

Not that we’re finished, but dang, it feels good to hit this stage.

*When the site comes out of beta, the address will go back to being

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