Time-travelling to the Regency for the weekend.

I’m heading off for the weekend to the Oregon Regency Society’s retreat. From now until Sunday it will be like time travel back to the early 1800s. Well… with indoor plumbing and central heat. We are going sans electric light though.

Anyway, this red linen day dress is one of the dresses that I made to wear this weekend.

I’m seriously looking forward to this. And yes, I’m leaving the computer at home. I’ll be writing longhand. I even got a dip pen to see how that affects pacing and sentence structure. I ordered some quill pens, but alas, they didn’t arrive in time.

I’m also taking my regular fountain pen because I’m not insane. I’m just curious about how the medium affects the writing.

By the way, there’s still time to get tickets to the Winter Ball which is this Friday. Lots of pretty, pretty clothes…

What are you all doing this weekend?

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4 thoughts on “Time-travelling to the Regency for the weekend.”

  1. Am seriously jealous.  Have had to miss the last two monthly meetings of the English Country Dancing society because of work – so it’s been a long time, and I miss it.  Not as cool as a retreat, obviously, but tis my attempt to participate.

    This weekend shall be working, sleeping, reading, and hopefully watching Return of the Jedi on bluray with someone who hasn’t seen it before.  And cooking.  Can’t forget cooking.

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