The video of me reading beloved classics like phone sex for the Jay Lake fundraiser

If you are wondering why this exists, a group of science fiction and fantasy authors have joined forces to raise funds for Jay Lake;s struggle against cancer by committing Acts of Whimsy on the internet. These range from Cherie Priest’s Steampunk fashion show for pets to Neil Gaiman’s cover of a Magnetic Fields song on the ukulele. My own contribution was to read beloved classics as if they are phone sex.


Jay Lake is an award-winning American author of ten science fiction novels and over 300 short stories. He is also one of more than a million Americans who have colon cancer. Diagnosed in April, 2008, Jay’s cancer has progressed from a single tumor to metastatic disease affecting the lung and liver, recurring after multiple surgeries and chemotherapy courses, and multiplying from single tumor presentations to multiple tumors presentations. Jay is now in his fourth round of chemotherapy, but it’s not clear that it’s working, and his doctors have little to go on in terms of advising further courses of treatment for him. In short, things are not looking good for Jay. Not at all.

But with the help of people like you, we’re making Jay laugh and hopefully getting a step closer to finding an effective treatment.

If you haven’t donated yet, you can go to the fundraiser page and see what other acts of whimsy are on their way.

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24 thoughts on “The video of me reading beloved classics like phone sex for the Jay Lake fundraiser”

  1. That. Was. AWESOME!! The music and the necklace and the implication of your bare shoulders – perfection achieved! But even better was you chose an Anne McCaffrey book as an example of classic literature, and that just made my day. An old favorite of mine, the Pern novels…

  2. Stephanie StClair

    Excellent rendition of the classics! Although, I may never read Mother Goose the same way again. Great job!

  3. Oh My.
    Oh My.
    Oh My.

    (Seriously, this is the second best thing in the entire history of beautiful women doing dramatic readings on the Internet, ever. Thank You.)

      1. I’m guessing that he is thinking of Clayton Cubitt’s Hysterical Literature series. Not quite safe for work…

  4. Oh My!

    Must go back and read some of this books again, but with your voice in my head reading them.

  5. HAHAHAHA! This isn’t simply phone sex voice, this has classic (bad) porn-movie scene cuts with the classic (bad) porn-movie soundtrack! Brilliant and SO very very wrong!

  6. Um. Wow. (fans self vigorously). I feel like I should be making some sort of confession to my wife after listening to that, but I’m not quite sure what. “Well, yeah, it was Mother Goose, but, uh…”

  7. As Dane’s wife… Now I’m going to try reading the first lines of Old Man’s War to him in that voice… Have to find a choker collar like that first…

    1. @ BethR

      Small fashion pedantry: that’s not actually a choker necklace; it’s a princess necklace.

      @ Mary Robinette Kowal

      Re: The Pern excerpt – it’s probably a good thing this was not available when I was a teenage boy reading the Dragonrider books. As it is, that childhood memory is now forever irrevocably altered o_O

      Re: the music – had to look it up. Then had to download it. Now have to practice keeping a straight face for when I play it for my partner at the next…opportune moment.

      Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go repent by making a small charitable donation…

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