The Spare Man Port of Call

Join Mary Robinette as we celebrate the launch of her tenth novel, The Spare Man! This glamorous interplanetary journey to Mars will include port stops throughout the US and Canada, as well as virtual.

As part of the Interplanetary Space Ship Lindgren’s onboard activities, guests are invited to meet the author on the promenade deck. Our cruise staff invites you to show off your interpretation of the latest in space cruise wear as part of an onboard costume contest (teal, purple and gold are in fashion this season).

Each guest at a physical port stop will receive a boarding packet. Check our port of calls to see if we land near you!

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4 thoughts on “The Spare Man Port of Call”

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun
    Planning on San Francisco in November

    Will that be in the evening or during the day ?

    Can’t wait

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