The Retroreflectives

No. It’s not the name of a band. It’s a fancy fabric that reflects light, and–with the right computer system–makes the puppeteers invisible. Of course, the fabric is coated with tiny glass beads and so also acts as a mini-greenhouse. Did I mention that there can’t be any breaks in the fabric? Like for eyeholes?

Anyway, it’s new technology and today was the first time we used it. I was one of the lucky guinea pigs, but there was only one full suit. So we were trying to do it with me hiding my head behind the other puppeteer. That didn’t work, so they threw an old hood on me with a couple of pinpricks, literally, poked in the mask for vision.

I did crap puppetry with that get-up. It makes me very unhappy to do work where I feel like I’m destined to fail.

The rest of the day was okay.

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