The effects of dye on the human body

I’m always very careful when dyeing things to wipe up the dye and to keep my hands clean so I don’t inadvertently dye the wrong things. I usually use liquid dye because it’s a little easier to control. Yesterday I used a powder because the store didn’t have teal in liquid. The powder tends to float around and turn up in odd places later.

Like my nose. I evidently inhaled a tiny, tiny bit of it because every time I sneeze or blow my nose, it’s bright teal. We’re not talking a little hit of color, oh no. Brilliant, saturated teal. I have not wanted to show the results of blowing my nose this much since I was six years old.

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4 thoughts on “The effects of dye on the human body”

  1. I’m not sure if I should laugh or feel bad for you. 🙂 Somehow, I think there’s a story here, waiting to be written.

  2. Mary, I am checking e mail remotely from lincoln city, and this made me laugh out loud in the oh, so serious “business center” -e-

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