The birthday book that ate my life

I seem to be doomed to create files that are too large to email. I have the book formatted and lovely, but can’t send it to the printer. I’ve got to put it on disk and carry it down tomorrow morning. Sigh.

I took it to Grandma’s today to have her check for errors. She says, “Why so much fuss? I’m nobody. I’m just a country person.” But she’s spectacular, if you ask me.

Oh, I asked her about the hat. She doesn’t own it anymore but says that it was Leghorn straw and lined with pale green chiffon underneath, and a camel ribbon to match her cape above. She owned this hat eighty years ago…

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3 thoughts on “The birthday book that ate my life”

  1. How is it that grandparents can remember specific details that happened 80 years ago and I can’t remember what happened last week? My grandmother does this, too; remembers the finest details — who she knew when she was five, what they had for lunch. Amazing.

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