The best Halloween costume conversation I have ever heard.

I may have just heard the best conversation about Halloween costumes that it is possible to overhear. As I was walking through the Ukranian Village in Chicago today, I stopped to let some teachers go by with a gaggle of schoolkids. Second graders, I’m guessing, based on their height.

One of them was carrying this little diorama made out of paper and sparkly red, white, and blue pipe cleaners. He said, “I’m dressing up as Obama.”

“That’s stoopid. He’s not scary. I’m going to be the Incredible Hulk.”

“Nuh-uh.Obama is way cooler than the Incredible Hulk.”

“The Hulk can smash things!”

“Obama is President!”

“Hulk smash!”

“Yeah. Smash like Romney.”

I heard a teacher laugh so I’m pretty sure I didn’t mishear that. We weren’t heading the same direction but all the way down the block, they apparently kept going. all I could hear was the occasional “Obama” and “Romney” and “Hulk.” It was seriously tempting to follow them except it would have been weird and stalkery. So… young man, I do not know who your parents are, but I approve.

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