Subscription bonus

Holiday 2006 coverIt’s not too late to get a subscription to Shimmer so you can have a copy of Jay Lake’s limited edition, signed chapbook. We’ve only printed sixty-six of these. You know you want to hold that glossy color cover and turn the lovely archival quality recycled paper interior pages. Think about settling into a chair by the fire and admiring the original interior illustration by Chrissy Ellsworth.

You know you want it. All you have to do is subscribe to Shimmer by the end of the year. The offer is good for electronic and hard copy subscriptions. That’s right. This could be yours, plus four issues of quality fiction for as little as twelve dollars. For seventeen, you could be holding the glossy cover of Shimmer as each new issue comes out.

Go on. Resolve to read more small press in 2007. Subscribe now.

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3 thoughts on “Subscription bonus”

  1. Hey Mary! I was looking for The Go Team’s album today, and what did I find in the rock section of Virgin Megastore over here? Lazytown. Haha. Irrelevant, but it amused me, y’know… the pirate song was on it too!

    Have a great new year!

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