Studio days

Ah, jetlag.

The ride in from the airport was beautiful. The landscape is very green at this time of year, and all the flowers are in bloom so there are scatterings of yellow, purple and pink everywhere. It felt good to see the sky again. It felt washed out, small and low in Boston.

Being back on set felt totally normal. I assisted Julie a little with an eyemech, but beyond that it was the standard fetching carts and waiting. I did haul my copy of Twenty Epics around to show everyone. That was fun.

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3 thoughts on “Studio days”

  1. UPS brought a package from Morrisvill NC today. That surprised me because Morrisville is right next to Raleigh where I used to live so I expected something from an old friend or from work, but it was Twenty Epics. Thanks.
    Earlier you mentioned that you wondered which figure represented your story. I think I found it. Surely you have too.

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