Strange Horizons Fall 2006 Fund Drive

Strange Horzions was my first pro-sale. It’s time for the Strange Horizons Fall 2006 Fund Drive so, what are you waiting for? Go donate.

Since its founding in September 2000, Strange Horizons has brought you some of the most exciting and vibrant voices in the genre of speculative fiction. We believe speculative fiction is an important literary genre, and we take pride in our work, and the fact that for many of our diverse and innovative contributors, Strange Horizons is their first sale. We are passionate about publishing cutting edge speculative fiction and art, and hope to be contributing to the genre for many years to come.
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To that end, we depend on you, our readers, to keep our magazine going. All of our staff members contribute their time and energy for free, but our contributors do get paid. We are committed to paying professional rates for high-quality fiction, poetry, art, and nonfiction. All we have to do is raise $3000 in this period, which is about one-sixth of our annual budget. We are hoping that you, Dear Reader, will help us reach that goal.

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