Stealth Halloween

Halloween StickerHypothetically, let’s say you were going to an convention over Halloween that had a no costume policy. Let’s further say that you respect the desire to have a professional convention, but still… Halloween. One might opt for what I call Stealth Halloween. What is this, you might ask? It consists of two components.

Stealth Costumes:
Wear clothes which appear completely normal to the casual observer, but which come with a solid rational for who you are really dressed as. Think of going as Clark Kent rather than Superman. You still get to wear then nifty spandex, but just keep it under your shirt. Or, say, you could choose to be a Replicant. (No, I’m not telling you who I’m going as, that would spoil the fun of guessing.)

Mobile Trick or Treat:
Carry treats on you for those folks that might need an extra boost during the course of the day. In the real world, houses that have candy let people know by putting a jack-o-lantern out. Wear a sticker on Friday to let people know you’ve got treats. Like, oh, say that picture in the corner which is handily sized for a 2 x 4 mailing label. (If you see me on Halloween and want to participate, I’ll have a bunch of them with me. Plus treats.)

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15 thoughts on “Stealth Halloween”

  1. How about wearing a nice powder blue tuxedo with a frilly shirt? I could be going as my dad back in the 70’s. 🙂 I’m not going anywhere, but thanks for the idea. I’ll keep it in mind in case I need it in the future.

  2. Bless your heart, I’m so glad you posted this! I’ve been a little bummed about the costume thingie too. Last night I passed out candy at a pre-Halloween fair; that’s my favorite part, handing out the baby Snickers and the Kit Kats and the ketchup packets … who doesn’t like ketchup?? Mwah hahahaha.

  3. I wonder what would cross the line between regular attire and a costume, anyway. I can think of at least one example of someone who *always* shows up in what is arguably a costume. 🙂

    1. For my part, I think anything that would cause someone who’s not in on Stealth Halloween to look at you and wonder, is questionable. And yes, some people we know do that on a normal basis.

  4. Oh, I’m going for complete stealth. By day, I will be indistinguishable from the creative professionals all around me. By night, I will merely dress up for the parties as I always dress up for the parties. But I will know the nature of my costume. Oh, yes. I will know.

  5. Perhaps, should a jacket lend itself to your attire, an inner jacket pocket could be dressed up with a pumpkin motif allowing a fellow participant to reach in and retrieve a sweet.

    Barring that, a spring loaded sack of candy might do as well – open jacket, bag ‘springs’ out, etc.

    I like this idea – kind of makes me wish work had a no costume policy… but, since it doesn’t have one, I usually dress up.

    Reminds me, I need to have a co-conspirator get my decorations from under my desk and dress it up appropriately. Bwahahahaha!

  6. Because our office has a party for everybody’s kids on Halloween, we mostly wear regular costumes that day. People leave around 3 to pick up their kids and bring them back here. The kids trick-or-treat around all the offices in our firm and then we have punch and cookies and goody bags in the conference room.

    I work in a great law office! It’s been so much fun watching people’s kids grow up. I was mentioning today to a new employee that I remember bringing my second son in when he was a babe in arms, and he is now 18.

    This year I am wearing a ren faire costume I bought a couple of years ago. It’s Italian ren, purple overdress with silver trim and white chemise with blackwork. I’m going to make myself a Juliet cap (I’m sure I have some appropriate fabric at home somewhere).

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