Starred review for GHOST TALKERS in Publisher’s Weekly!

The cover of Ghost TalkersWhen starting a new project, there’s always that concern that it’ll fail. So, getting a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly is huge. Here’s my favorite part of the review of Ghost Talkers:

 Kowal’s depiction of spiritualism is richly imagined, and its complications and consequences are thoughtfully considered. Her depiction of the Western Front includes diverse characters often neglected in wartime stories: the many people who help Ginger include women young and old, people of color, and disabled veterans, all of whom are dismissed by the British men in charge. The well-drawn characters and the story’s gripping action and deep emotion will captivate readers. (

Read the full review (spoiler free) of Ghost Talkers at Publisher’s Weekly.

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3 thoughts on “Starred review for GHOST TALKERS in Publisher’s Weekly!”

  1. I have to say, Mary, that I’ve been looking forward to this book ever since I first heard about it. Can’t wait. Nice to see it so well received.

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