Smart Pop Books — Ask Orson Scott Card a question about Ender’s Game.

I was asked to write an essay about Ender’s Game for an upcoming collection from Smart Pop Books, which was wicked fun. In addition to the essays, they are also asking for questions from readers. From you. Here are the details.

As you may already know, we’re publishing a collection of essays on Ender’s Game in February 2013, edited by Orson Scott Card. (You can find out more about the contents and sign up for news and updates at our book page.)

Alongside those essays, we’re putting together some Q&As with Orson Scott Card to add throughout the book. Why is the Battle Room a cube? Why did the military recruit their soldiers as children? How does the queen survive until Ender finds her?

Here’s your chance to get in on it: Card wants to give you the opportunity to ask him anything you’ve ever wondered about Ender’s Game!

You can hop over to Smart Pop Books — Ask Orson Scott Card a question about Ender’s Game!.

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2 thoughts on “Smart Pop Books — Ask Orson Scott Card a question about Ender’s Game.”

  1. Oh, my. I knew this was coming, but was not aware that you were contributing. Might just have to pick it up, now. Any hints about what your essay discusses?

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