Silver Linings

I had forgotten that one of my favorite cousins was getting married this weekend. I landed safely and on time, went by the house, showered and went to a wedding. (I had wanted to attend, but was afraid to make plans because of our ever fluctuating move date.) It was a lovely ceremony and they are so clearly deeply in love that I got all weepy.

Young Walter WalkerComing back to the house, it was so clear that being here for the funeral tomorrow was the right decision. These people, my family, are all wonderful and funny. We can’t help laughing when we get together. I helped put the program for the service together today and as part of it pulled out a picture of Walter that was taken right before he shipped out for WWII. Such a handsome young man. Then, of course, because I was going through the box of photos, I also had to pull out his old v-mail letters to my grandmother. Those were wonderful to go through and read as a group.

Thank you to everyone who expressed their support. It meant a lot to me to open my email en route and see your notes.

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