Shimmer’s relaunch

shimmer10coverShimmer has reopened to submissions! Spread the word. I’ve uploaded Issue 10 to the printer and typically we release the new issue about two weeks after that, so keep your eyes out.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but my plate is getting consistently fuller.  For the past couple of months, we’ve been getting ready to relaunch Shimmer and one of the major changes is that I’m stepping down as art director.

This is a very hard decision, because I love the magazine and am proud of the work that Beth does with it.  But the sad truth is that, as a free-lancer, paying gigs always came first. Shimmer kept getting pushed to the back burner and that delayed the issues from coming.  With the novel sales, well, you can see where things were heading.

Fortunately, the wonderful Stephen Stanley has signed on as Shimmer‘s new art director.  He has had illustrations in several issues of the magazine and is also an Illustrators of the Future winner, as well as having had a long career in graphic design. I can’t tell you how delighted and relieved I am to be handing the reins over to him. I look forward to seeing the new and exciting work to come out of the magazine.

As a bonus for me, I can finally submit to a magazine that I have loved. I sent a story in to Shimmer this morning and you should too.

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7 thoughts on “Shimmer’s relaunch”

  1. I was really impressed with the quality of the stories when I got to preview the latest issue. I had never heard of Shimmer until you mentioned it here, but it seems to be about my speed. Unfortunately I don’t have any stories hanging around that meet their length requirements, but hopefully some day I will get to submit something to them.

  2. Figures. I wrote a few stories a couple of months ago and thought “I wish I could try these with Shimmer…” and now the stories are out. Well, I’ll have something for them eventually, one way or another.

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