Shimmer‘s Pirate Issue, Trailer

Ye sly whiskered dog, ye can pre-order yer copy o’ Shimmer today. What better way to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day?

I’ll tell you what’s better: It’s a double-issue. 136 pages of piratical fiction.

I also have to say that I loved working with Sean Markey on making this trailer. He created the original music for it. And if you like the art in this, by James A. Owen, wait until you see the rest of the issue. Every story is illustrated.

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11 thoughts on “<i>Shimmer</i>‘s Pirate Issue, Trailer”

  1. Pingback: Pirate Edition of Shimmer Available for Pre-Order « The Struggling Writer

  2. I’ve not had enough rum t’day t’ be talkin’ like a fullblood pirate, but ordered me subscription t’ yer magazine. Arr. Matey. Something.

  3. With the sort of day this is shaping up to be at work, I’ll be needing it. A lot. In addition to rum, there could be Johnny Depp goodness.

  4. Arrgh! Th’ piratical filter is already bein’ off, jus’ as th’ wee scurvy mice bein’ returnin’ from after school swim! Th’ sharks will eat well tonight!

  5. I’m very sad I didn’t get a submission ready in time, but perhaps if there’s another Pirate Issue in the future… But what I meant to say was “Great trailer! Looks like an awesome issue!”

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