Shimmer, Vol. 2, Iss. 2: A Review

Shimmer, Winter 07 cover
Here I am, in the middle of laying out the Art Issue of Shimmer and stumble across this lovely, lovely review of our Winter issue.

Do you like fables? Fairy tales? Mythic Realism? Writers like Patricia McKillip, Charles DeLint, and Neil Gaiman at his most fantastical? Then you’ll like Shimmer, I believe. It is a beautiful little zine, perfect bound, with eight art and nine fiction pieces (and one interview); around 80 pages of content when you subtract the front and back matter. I’m not sure about their other issues, but I was left shaking my head wondering if I would ever be able to write as beautifully as the authors included in this issue of Shimmer. I believe the readers and editors did a fine job of choosing material. In some cases it was like reading tapestry.

There’s more! She goes on to say more very nice things about the whole issue–and notices the artists in particular, which always makes me happy.

The Art IssueAnd if the art in that issue is good, wait until you see the Art Issue. I got to pick gorgeous art and then we asked some of our favorite authors to write stories to fit the art. Just take a sneak peek at this cover by none other than John Picacio. (He’s up for a Hugo, so wish him luck.)

Every piece of art in this issue is something that I’ve drooled over and coveted since I first saw it. Behold! I managed to convince the board to let us flip the usual artist and writer relationship on its head. The stories that we got out of this experiment are by turns chilling and beautiful. I’ll post a trailer for the issue early next week.

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2 thoughts on “<i>Shimmer</i>, Vol. 2, Iss. 2: A Review”

  1. That sneak peek looks fab, but I’ve damaged my eyesight squinting at it — it’s too small! Oh, well. I suppose you have your reasons. 🙁

    But I have other questions. Is the art issue the spring or summer issue or other? When is the pirate issue due? Shimmer’s site hasn’t been updated in ages. Of course you moved across country and all that, but still… we’re needy, Mary. Feed us!

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