Shades of Milk and Honey easter egg: Deleted scene. The original chapter 24

I started writing Shades of Milk and Honey for NaNoWriMo, in which one tries to write 50,000 words of a novel in a month.  When I hit the finish line, I stopped to re-read what I’d written and decided to toss the last six chapters and rewrite, changing the plot in the process.

This is the last chapter I wrote in the original plot.  The events leading up to it are somewhat different. While I was able to reuse much of the text that I cut when I reworked the novel, this scene got cut completely.

It’s a shame because I had to solve a thorny theological problem to write this.  It’s set in a church, which raised the question: What would miracles look like in a world with magic?

Oh, you’ll also get to see notes to myself from when I wrote it since this scene never got past the first draft stage.

Mild spoilers: The original Chapter Twenty-four SelectShow

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