Send my puppet company to Worldcon

So, look. Renovation has invited my puppet company to perform at Worldcon.  They don’t have the budget to bring us there.  I’ll already be there, but it’s a three person show and puppet shows are expensive.

But we’ve been given a blessing to run a Kickstarter campaign to get there

Not only do you have the opportunity to fund an award-winning puppet company, but should this succeed, you’ll also get to see the VP of SFWA in a white spandex bodysuit. Yeah… That’s right. We perform this show in white spandex. Spandex. Bodysuit.

Also, puppets. Lots of puppets.

We have nifty rewards! Please help send Other Hand Productions to Worldcon.

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5 thoughts on “Send my puppet company to Worldcon”

  1. Jonathon Side

    I like puppets, and I browsed the Other Hand site, looks like there’s been some awesome stuff done (SMAUG! *glee*). Sooo… done. I’d need to start a Kickstarter thing of my own to even get to the con, but maybe there’ll be footage or photos? Either way, I’m helping bring awesome to people. 🙂

    Sorry I couldn’t pledge more. Financial constraints plus I don’t know what the exchange rate will be like at the end of the month.

    Also, interesting market tactic there. Managed to hit the ‘see the VP embarrass herself’ and ‘see people (including at least one gal) in spandex’ angles at the same time.

      1. Jonathon Side

        Doesn’t surprise me. We still have boxes of VHS tapes that need going through, see if anything can be salvaged and transferred.

        Good luck with the campaign!

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