Sale! Prayer at Dark River to Innsmouth Free Press

Innsmouth Free PressI am very pleased to report that my first foray into the Lovecraftian mythos has sold to Innsmouth Free Press. Innsmouth Free Press is a fictional newspaper publishing faux news pieces in a Lovecraftian/Cthulhu Mythos universe, as well as original short fiction stories.

Since “Prayer at Dark River” is flash fiction, I’m only going to offer you a small teaser.

Dear Lord in Heaven, O Merciful Father.

Always I have turned to You in prayer when frightened and my first instinct tonight was to kneel upon these old flagstones and beseech you for guidance. My other choice would be to commune with Professor Webb as we wait to see if his sorcery has had effect. Should I pray the American sorcerer has succeeded, so that Guðrun is safe, or should I pray that he fails?

The story will come out the first week of October in the 2nd issue.

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