Sale! For Want of a Nail to Asimov’s

This is terribly exciting. In 2008, I attended a workshop hosted by Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Sheila Williams was the guest instrutor. While at the workshop we had to write a story and I wrote one which prompted Dean to say that he fell asleep reading it. Not my most inspiring moment.

Sheila mentioned the opening scene as very vivid and months later asked if I had done anything with it, because she’d liked that scene so much. I had trunked it, in fact. So I pulled it out, tossed what wasn’t working and wrote an entirely different story retaining parts of that scene.

Today, Sheila accepted it for Asimov’s. Woot!

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8 thoughts on “Sale! For Want of a Nail to Asimov’s”

  1. lol! this is probably one of those “how to inspire new writer” moments you should mark and keep so you can whip it out every time someone you meet gets too despairing.

    that aside, congrats with the sale.

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