Safely arrived in Memphis at MidSouthCon

I have arrived safely in Memphis within relative parameters of the word safe. On the way here:

  • my flight was oversold because another flight was five hours late
  • A passenger on the first leg went into diabetic shock. Thanks to the efforts of the three doctors on board, we did not have to divert.  The flight actually landed early and was expedited to the gate so the paramedics could meet her. She walked out under her own power.
  • My second leg left on time. Then had to return to the gate because of brake failure. We left the second time forty-five minutes late.

Once I actually arrived in Memphis, Barbara from MidSouthCon picked me up at the airport and delivered me and the puppets safely to the hotel. I brought two dozen Voodoo donuts for the concom and volunteers.

Reportedly, the travel channel or the food network did a recent episode about Voodoo donuts because people kept getting excited when they saw the pink box.

Everyone is very nice. Tomorrow, I get up to have breakfast at 6:25 a.m. so I can be interviewed on Live@9.  It’s tv and live, so that means I need to be reasonably alert and presentable.

Otherwise, look for me at:

  • 19:00   Opening Ceremony – Grand Ballroom C
  • 20:00   Meet the Guests — Grand Ballroom D and E
  • 21:00    Doing Your Research:  History In Fiction — Director’s Row 2
    Victorian, Edwardian, Industrial, & more:  Avoid errors in the eras.


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