Rose: the 3-D Puppet Zombie Musical needs your support

Last summer, I went down to L.A. for an action-packed week for some pre-production work on Rose: the 3-D Puppet Zombie Musical. It’s an independent feature film. In 3-D! It’s written by John Skipp and has one of the weirdest and most compelling scripts I’ve run across in awhile. Allow me to just refer you again to the subtitle of the film: Puppet Zombie Musical. In 3-D!

My role in the production will, if all the pieces come together, to design the sets and puppets.  But… the independent part is where you come in. That’s right, it’s fund-raising time. If you can pitch in, that would be all kinds of awesome. You can do it for a number of different reasons such as:

  1. It’s a cool project. (Seriously, I love the script)
  2. Cool donor gifts. (Want a puppet? A zombie puppet?)
  3. You will help make sure I get a paycheck. (What? Puppeteers gotta eat.)
  4. Zombie. Puppet. Musical. In 3-d! (You need more of a reason?)

Check out the video that they’ve put together and then head over to Kickstarter if you can chip in.

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3 thoughts on “Rose: the 3-D Puppet Zombie Musical needs your support”

  1. Not to throw water on the whole 3D thing, but don’t you really mean 4D? Movies have always been 3D.

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