Rob’s view of the Rainforest Retreat >> The Ear Directs the Eye

Rob came with me to the Rainforest Writer’s Village. I thought he would enjoy the quiet.  He’s just written a post about being here, which I think demonstrates the difference in the way we respond to our environment as well as being a good example of why I adore him.

I find my self today on the shores of Lake Quin­ault.  The two dozen writ­ers con­vened here dis­play an intrigu­ing range of coun­te­nances and no doubt tal­ent – but I have no basis for com­men­tary, but in this serene and pre­his­tor­i­cally quiet set­ting, I was hop­ing to encounter voices. I must be patient, for it takes days to habit­u­ate to one’s sonic envi­ron­ment, to hear anew.

Read the full post at Robert Kowal » The Ear Directs the Eye.

Incidentally, the next post, An Actor’s Terroir, is also really interesting.

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