Reading A Local Habitation, Day 2

Day 2 locked in a soundproof box went fairly smoothly. Basically  I started reading at about 8:30 am and went until 10ish when we took a fifteen minute break. Then back into the booth to read until twelve-thirty. I think we broke a few minutes early because my stomach was making very loud noises. Yes, those are audible on the mic.

We take an hour off for lunch and then back into the booth.  In the afternoon, I think we took two breaks and then wrapped up for the day at 4:30 just after finishing Chapter 19.  We normally would have gone till 5:00 but it would have had us stopping in the middle of a scene.

I came back to the hotel, surprisingly fatigued. Granted, some of this was lack of sleep from travel, but I’m also surprised by how tiring sitting in a chair and reading can be.  One of the interesting things about the process that one might not think about is that I can’t move around when I’m reading. It changes my relation to the mic which would change the sound. It also introduces clothing noise.

I went to bed about 9:30 and naturally woke up at 3:30. Sigh… this is the downside to only needing six hours of sleep.

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5 thoughts on “Reading A Local Habitation, Day 2”

  1. FWIW, I’m amused by the fact that the first sentence of this post could be the opening line of a sort of understated horror story…

    And BTW, Grand Rapids is nice and all, but please don’t judge my home state by it. One must see Detroit’s decaying beauty to know Michigan.

  2. A very nice mic the AT Series. I got the TLM 49. Sounds great, Rob just heard it today. Travel safely.

    And feel free to mention my name if they need any men over there. ;+)

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